Ashley- I am sorry for all the shit I put you through, you made CanHist fun, I am glad that you can put up with me long enough
to notice that I am not all bad and I am mean just jokingly.
Becky- You are my sister. You used to be really mean to me but now we like each other. I am not sure when/ why that transition
happened but I am happy that it did. You are actually a cool person. I'm sorry you couldn't be there with Shawn, Dan and I,
but we will have to do that sometime when I come in. I never thought we would learn to enjoy each others company like we do.
I still need to come over and listen to Disc 2 of that birthday present I gave you.
Chris- "I vant to suck your BLAH!!" Well we used to hate each other, I threw a binder at your eye back in the day, but
now we are good friends. I never would have imagined that over the yeas we would be good friends like this. I still can't
believe that we are in all the same classes, both semesters, even the 3 Advanced Placement (AP) classes. We were the masterminds
of such AP nerd sayings as "Peek-a-boo: Iodine Copper" and "Sin0= Name θ". We are also the makers of the songs "Scupula",
"Equalibrium", "Oh, chem you came and you gave me a hydrocarbon and then we went and burned it." and "STP * STP = OOOOH Baby"
Counter-Melodies- I don't know if i am your biggest fan, but I am for sure one of them. I've liked you guys since I first
saw you guys play live, and of course I like you all as individuals. "Poser" is always dedicated to me, I hope it isn't a
subtle sign. I look forward to everyone of your shows, and I finaly can sing along to parts of Poser and most of Bank Machine.
Your site is in good hands now. Now that I am in control it will get updated and have more pictures on it.
Courtney- Well what can I say? You were my best girlfriend and I loved you like I loved no one else. Then you made a drunken
mistake and I flew off the handle and then kicked you out. Oh well, we are both happier now that we are not togther anymore.
I still concider you a good friend because I can tell you anything and we have deeper conversations that a lot of my friends
and I. "We was home boys once Pig. Once we home boys, we always home boys."
Daniela & Kate- I've known you guys for basically the same time so therefore you have the same thingy. You two, Thomas
and J- Boutz are the only reason I stayed sane through Hennigar's homeroom. Kate you were the only person except for me who
used to tell Tim off in Tech. Dani, you and I are probably the only ones who wish B- Gobs was our father. I've gotten drunk
with both of you and smoked a blunt with both of you. Dani, you tucked me in at your house when I was drunk and stoned. Kate,
the only time I was in your trailer Shea and I "powdered our noses" before we left, because you and Ana were wussing it and
going to sleep. Now that I've gotten rid of the "ball and chain" as you guys called her, we have to go go drinking. Daniela....
I salute you. Kate, I want your Goslings Shirt.
Dan Payne- "Manson-Fish-Penquin-Tree- Spirit" I've only known you for like a year now but that time at your house was
quite the time. I loved going to Sam's dinner on one hour of sleep from coffee and Tekken induced insomnia. It was all about
walking into the house of Payne and hearing House Of Pain playing. If I hadn't met you we wouldn't have the quotes "I like
dude" and "However fast you can run equals the speed of Payne". I can't believe that only cost "Five bucks!!!" That all you
can eat buffet and the drinking that followed we good times.
Erron- "E-Ron Butter Fry", I think I met you back in the days of my smoking, and when I was a big drug fiend. You were
one reason that I found Science 10 so enjoyable. It's too bad you never made it to Shawn's house, but we have to that sometime.
I still have to party with you sometime, hoefully it will happen this summer. You also took care of me at Smith's, and I thank
you for it. BYOD
Gina- For a long time all I knew you as was "perfect hair", and you knew me as "the trench coat guy" from when I used
to wear a black trench coat. But we became friends none the less. You are actually fun to talk to and you laugh a lot, more
than most people, which is good. You still have to watch out for giant snails that are going to eat your house and rabid glove
bunnies. You have to learn to maximize your cranial capacity though. You are one of the few people who I enjoy talking to
on MSN and can talk to for over an hour without getting bored at all. Thank you for listening to me when I was going through
a hard time after Sam and I broke up. It really helped. That is one example of why you deserved what I said about you being
a special friend.
Jer- "My wibs, my wibs! What a wush, what a wush". That was one of the first things I ever heard you say. It was in Science
10 after you heard me mention Colt and how he said "I just sniffed a line a coke an smocked a jont a purpa haze." You are
the only person I can talk about the "Wibs", "Purpa Haze" and other Colt Swinimer quotes. The time that we were holding each
other's hands without knowing it was funny as hell. I found it funny when I wasn't mentioned when you were "Walking around
with two fucking sluts". Thanks for taking care of me at Smith's and saving me from the wrath of Rhoda.
Josh- You drank the grass-ohol and liked it. "N. mac, that and the shrooms mixed and made whole new drug. And it is AMAZING!"
You play and Shawn sing Scream (my favorite Misfits song) and many other good songs. I am going to be on a web radio program
with you and it is going to be the best station ever! When I asked you what you thought about "Richard III" I was expecting
"Really good", but instead I got "Fucking A". Thank you for taking letting me share some wine with you at Lauchie's, if you
hadn't I would hacve been in a lot worse shape. I cannot wait until this summer so we can have that punk show at my house.
Lauchie's show was AWESOME!! Thank you for dedicating the same song to me everytime you play, even if it was Poser.
Kenny- Katface, I will never forget the times in grade 7 when you would get in trouble everyday because you would sit
next to be when you weren't supposed to. "Your mother is a carpenter's dream: She's flat as a board and never been nailed."
I almost killed you in grade 7 with a throwing knife and you don't even remember it. This semester, you are in almost all
my classes, and they are all enjoyable.
Lauchie- I think I have known you for years, like since Mill Cove Elementary but i never hung out with you until this
year. You have awesome parties, stuff may get broken, i.e. chairs and glasses but it is still a good time. I cannot wait until
the summer for you to come up to Shawn's with us and have some fun. YOU WILL LOVE IT!!! "Yes, it is shawn. My secret love
affair is becoming to much (monotone sobs) and now I must confess it to the world"
Moriah- Riah, I have a lot of memories of you since the great year that was grade 6. I had heard stories of you before
I ever met you. Some of the most memorable moments were hitting you in the face with a ball, you calling me a freak and our
siblings always trying to get us to go out. I have gone to quite a few events with you (parties, shows) and you were the 2nd
person I ever slow danced with (your sister was the first). AP English would not have been the same without you. Also since
I last updated this site we went out and broke up. No hard feeling for the most part. It was a great time dating you and at
least we are the best of friends now. Thanks for being there for me when I need to talk. "So then within ten minutes....".
You now hate me, oh well.
Oakley- You are the only other hard-core APC fan I know. "You used to be like this, but now your like this" "Nathan, do
you mean I'm a black hole?" "Yes". I'll never forget the times when I would say something funny and you would say it louder
and everyone would laugh. I don't know what I would have done in Ancient History with the Italian Staillion if you weren't
in my class. "Pass me my pudding wedge" "Perpetual Motion pudding machine". Making fun of Wayne would not have been as fun
with out you.
Sally- I will never be able to hear the song "Turn me on" again without laughing since you used to serenad me everyday
with it. You are the one of Sam's friends that I connect with more then the others. You and I have the same interests in music
and movies. It looks like I am keeping my word about mentioning you in my site, just so I wouldn't be a hypocrite. I think
the time you punched my shin because I poked your nose was a little excessive. Now that Sam and I have broke up we can finally
hang out in Bridgewater without anyone caring.
Shawn- Thanks for having me and the guys over, it would have been better without the negetivity of someone. "Five bucks!!"
I still cannot believe it. Listening to Hayden for like 5 hours was sweet man, it suited the mood perfectly. And those bacon
and eggs in the morning were way better than the waffle at 12 the night before.
If you think you should be on here just tell me to my face, I can handle it. Chances are I didn't forget about you, I'm
just lazy and won't put you on unless you bitch about it to me.